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Thoughts are Things Prentice Mulford 9781544846873 Books

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Download PDF Thoughts are Things Prentice Mulford 9781544846873 Books

Prentice Mulford was one of the leaders of the New Thought Movement. This book served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. Chapters include The Material Mind V. The Spiritual Mind; Who Are Our Relations?; Thought Currents; One Way To Cultivate Courage; Look Forward!; God In The Trees; Or, The Infinite Mind In Nature; Some Laws Of Health And Beauty; Museum And Menagerie Horrors; The God In Yourself; The Healing And Renewing Force Of Spring; Immortality In The Flesh; The Attraction Of Aspiration; and, The Accession Of New Thought.

Thoughts are Things Prentice Mulford 9781544846873 Books

I am 57 and diagnosed with cancer 7 yrs ago and I literally did not know anything about myself and when I received the most worst info anyone could receive I made a decision to change. I new that there was information that I wanted to know about myself and I was going to find out. I immersed myself into personal development and went into a transformation of a new me, and I new it had to start with thoughts, I had such a race mind I could'nt see any thoughts, they would'nt stay still long enough. This is a wonderful book, it is not to read, but to study, underline the important words, sentences, mark up the book.It is packed full of life changing information. I recommend this book to everybody.

Product details

  • Paperback 126 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 22, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1544846878

Read Thoughts are Things Prentice Mulford 9781544846873 Books

Tags : Thoughts are Things [Prentice Mulford] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Prentice Mulford was one of the leaders of the New Thought Movement. This book served as a guide to this new belief system and is still popular today. Chapters include: The Material Mind V. The Spiritual Mind; Who Are Our Relations?; Thought Currents; One Way To Cultivate Courage; Look Forward!; God In The Trees; Or,Prentice Mulford,Thoughts are Things,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1544846878,PHILOSOPHY General
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Thoughts are Things Prentice Mulford 9781544846873 Books Reviews

Wonderful book full of counter culture thoughts and ideals. Would recommend for a few reasons.
1) this books allows you to see things from a different angel.

2) It might just be the difference you've been looking for.
It inspires one to become better in mind and body(a healthful body follows after a healthful mind is embodied) not just for oneself, but also for the sake of humanity. People lead by example. This is a phenomenal read, and I suggest taking notes, to study it. The best aspect is that it's applicable to any day and age.
This book was written from a Divine perspective. The book explains each thought in a unbiased truthful way in which the reader can absorb into one's current life. The book was written years ago but can still be applied today or in the future. Great work from the author who realize the necessity of such knowledge and his ability to instill these fundamental principles on the readers. I hope anyone that reads this book is able to acquire the Knowledge , Wisdom and Understanding needed to improve one's life and hopefully help to achieve your goals, dreams and aspirations accordingly.
Truely, thoughts ARE things and controling our thoughts is paramount to peace. I found this book motivating, helpful. Give yourself the gift of positive thoughts. Why have negative feelings about yourself when you can just as easily have a beautiful positive thought. Negative thoughts are old habits or old beliefs. They may not be true anymore; a good reason to give them up. A negative thought may be true now, but thinking a new positive thought will change it; change you.
Great book especially when written. 1908.
Explores his life as well how we view relationships with kids public and wife and expectations they have on on us for normal behavior.
From their point of view.
Really a self help book..artist friend of mine suggested.
While I do live in a gold camp (another attraction)
I as habit highlight and notation any book.
This one has lots of both.
Would suggest to anyone.
Any of this appeals to you get the book.
This is probably one of the most life changing books I've ever ready. You are told though out life that you have power in which to make a good or bad life for yourself, and you never really understand those encouraging words until now. Thoughts are things will make you a believer of anything is possible.
Thoughts are Things - These were all the main points in the book, that I thought were worth sharing, I try to save the time of making notes

Thoughts that are constantly held in your mind, will express itself in your body.

The spiritual mind will know in time that your thought influences people for or against your interests, though their bodies are thousands of miles

To say a thing must be, is the very power that makes it.

The spiritual or more enlightened mind says "If you would help to drive away sickness, turn your thought as much as you can on health, strength and vigour, and on strong, healthy, vigorous material things, such as moving clouds, fresh breezes, the cascade, the ocean surge; on woodland scenes and growing healthy trees; on birds full of life and motion; for in so doing you turn on yourself a real current or this healthy life'giving thought, which is suggested and brought you by the thought of such vigorous, strong material objects.

When you entertain any idea and say to yourself in substance "Well, such a thing may be, though I cannot now see it" you remove a great barrier to the carrying out and realization by yourself of the new and strange possibilities in store for you.

Hospitality is expected from relatives, when to expect hospitality is to make such entertainment the result of a demand. Presents are expected from relatives, when to expect a gift makes it rather extortion. Real gifts are always surprises. No one expects a surprise since expectation destroys surprise.

No real or lasting good comes of any gift bestowed on another unless the heart goes with it, and its bestowal is to the giver an act of unalloyed pleasure.

The most sincere desire to help that person, but you feel a keen sense of pleasure in giving such help, and then you throw upon that person a certain thought'element which will never leave them

Genuine heartfelt love is literally life giving, and if received by the child is for it a source of cheer, health, strength, and activity.

If you allow your will constantly to be overborne by another; if you give up your own preferences and inclinations, and become only another's echo; if you live just as others desire, you will lose more and more, for this existence, the power of self'assertion.

No person is really reformed by another; in the sense such a term is sometimes used. Reform must come from within. It must be self'sustaining. It must not depend wholly on another's presence or influence. If it does, it is only a temporary reform. It will fail when the influence of the person on whom it depends is removed.

We need to be careful of what we think and talk. Because thought runs in currents as real as those of air and water. Of what we think and talk we attract to us a like current of thought. This acts on mind or body for good or ill. If thought was visible to the physical eye we should see its currents flowing to and from people.

When people come together and in any way talk out their ill'will towards others they are drawing to themselves with ten'fold power an injurious thought current. Because the more minds united on any purpose the more power do they attract to effect that purpose. The thought current so attracted by those chronic complainers, grumblers and scandal mongers, will injure their bodies. Because whatever thought is most held in mind is most materialized in the body. If we are always thinking and talking of people's imperfections we are drawing to us ever of that thought current, and thereby incorporating into ourselves those very imperfections.

If but two people were to meet at regular intervals and talk of health, strength and vigour of body and mind, at the same time opening their minds to receive of the Supreme the best idea as to the ways and means for securing these blessings, they would attract to them a thought current of such idea.

If you dwell a great deal on your own faults you will by the same laws attract more and more of their thought current, and so increase those faults. It is enough that you recognize in yourself those faults. Don't be always saying of yourself, "I am weak or cowardly or ill'tempered or imprudent," Draw to yourself rather the thought current of strength, courage, even temper, prudence and all other good qualities. Keep the image of these qualities in mind and you make them a part of yourself.

The surest way for a young woman to become ugly is to be discontented, peevish, cross, complaining and envious of others. Because in these states of mind she is drawing to her the invisible substance of thought, which acts on and injures her body. It ruins the complexion, makes lines and creases in the face, sharpens the nose and transforms the face of youth into that of the shrew in very quick time. I am not moralizing here or saying "You ought not to do thus and so." It is simply cause and result. Put your face in the fire, and it is scarred and disfigured, because of an element acting on it. Put your mind in the fire of ill'will, envy or jealousy, and it is also scarred, seamed and disfigured, because of an element as real as fire, though invisible, acting on it.

You lose gradually all fear as it is proven more and more to you that when you are in the thought current of Infinite good there is nothing to fear. You realize more and more clearly that there is a great power and force which cares for you. You are wonderstruck at the fact that when your mind is set in the right direction all material things come to you with very little physical or external effort.

There is no limit to the power of the thought current you can attract to you nor limit to the things that can he done through the individual by it. In the future some people will draw so much of the higher quality of thought to them, that by it they will accomplish what some would call miracles. In this capacity of the human mind for drawing a thought current ever increasing in fineness of quality and power lies the secret of what has been called "magic."

The quality of mind or emotion underlying all this hurried mental condition and consequent hurried act, is fear. Fear is but another name for lack of power to control our minds, or, in other words, to control the kind of thought we think or put out.

The cultivation of courage commences in the cultivation of deliberation in so called little acts like these. Deliberation and courage are as closely allied as fear and hurry. If we do not learn to govern our force properly in the doing of the smallest act we shall find such government far less easy in the doing of all acts.

If we analyze what we fear, we shall find we are in mind trying to deal with too much at once of the thing feared. There is only a relatively small amount to be dealt with now. In any transaction - in the doing of anything there is but one step to be taken at a time. We need to place what force is necessary, and no more on that one step. When that is taken we can take the next. The more we train our minds so to concentrate on the one step, the more do we increase capacity for sending our force all in one given direction at once.

Awkwardness, lack of address, lack of tact are all due to this lack of command of mind caused by lack of deliberation, or in other words, a trained incapacity for taking time to think or plan the proper thing to do. The terror'stricken person if the ship seems in sudden danger runs up and down the deck to no purpose, and this physical action is an exact correspondence of the life long condition of his mind whose thought has been ever so darting from one thing to another, just as the whim seized him. The more deliberate person whose mind is trained to take time to think and hold or concentrate its thought, holds himself steady, and so gives himself time to see what may be the opportunities for escape. And these two persons would pick up a pin in a very different manner and with very different mental action and method.

For instance, you say to the woman who goes out to wash by the day and has never done anything else. "Mrs. A., why don't you start a laundry? You can make a great deal more money in so doing." "I start a laundry! Where in the world is the money coming from to start a laundry?" is her reply. Here the woman instead of entertaining your idea gives way immediately to fright concerning what seems to her the immense sum required, and following the same unreasoning, headlong, panicky style of thought, sets up in a moment an opposition to your proposition. She dare think only of working for day's wages as she is called upon by those who hire her. And thousands for this reason dare not think, or find it disagreeable for them to think, of getting into some broader, more responsible and more profitable sphere of business, because they bunch at once all its possible difficulties into a mass, and out of mere habit will look only at that awful and imaginary bunch. But Mrs. C., the more deliberate washerwoman, hears your proposition and entertains it. In time she says to herself, "Why should I not start a laundry? Other people have and have succeeded." She lives in the idea, talks to one and another about it, and finds out how they started. The longer she keeps in this current of thought the more plainly does she see the ways and means by which other people have "set up for themselves." Finally, the idea so grows upon her, that she takes some step toward that end, and then another and another, and so by degrees drifts into the business.

Note a good point to remember, keep your mind on one thing at a time and think on a idea before you just toss it away, because of fear. Edit this note
You will remember that anything which is done in mind, expends quite as much force as if done with the body, so that the persons who linger abed in the morning and think with dread of the breakfasts to be cooked, or the rooms to be swept, so far as expenditure of force is concerned, will be doing those acts then and there while lying on their backs.

Cultivate deliberate act and movement in all things, and you lay more and more the solid foundation for courage, either moral or physical. But deliberate act does not always imply slowness. Just as thought moves with electric rapidity, so may it move the body when occasion requires, but the thought must be clearly planned, seen and outlined in mind before it is allowed to act on the body.

If the corners of a mouth are turned down, it is because most of the time the thoughts which govern and shape that mouth are gloomy and despondent. If a face does not invite people, and make them desire to get acquainted with its wearer, it is because that face is a sign advertising thoughts behind it which the wearer may not dare to speak to others, possibly may not dare to whisper to himself.

Persistency in thinking health, in imagining or idealizing yourself as healthy, vigorous, and symmetrical, is the cornerstone of health and beauty. Of that which you think most, that you will be, and that you will have most of. You say "No." But your bed'ridden patient is not thinking, "I am strong;" he or she is thinking, "I am so weak."

Here is the cornerstone of all successful effort in this existence or any other. Never in thought acknowledge an impossibility. Never in mind reject what to you may seem the wildest idea with scorn; because, in so doing, you may not know what you are closing the door against. To say anything is impossible because it seems impossible to you, is just so much training in the dangerous habit of calling out "Impossible!" to every new idea. Your mind is then a prison full of doors, barred to all outside, and you the only inmate. "All things" are possible with God. God works in and through you. To say "Impossible!" as to what you may do or become is a sin. It is denying God's power to work through you. It is denying the power of the Infinite Spirit to do through you far more than what you are now capable of conceiving in mind.

"God working in us and through us."

If you demand persistently the truth and only the truth you will get it, and the whole truth means power to accomplish seeming impossibilities. "Thy faith hath made thee whole" said the Christ of Judea to a man who was healed. To us this passage interprets itself as meaning that the person healed had an innate power of believing that he could be healed. This power which was of his own spirit (and not of Christ's) so acted on his body as instantly to cure his infirmities. Christ was a means of awakening this power in that man's spirit.

The path of self-healing lies in the calling for the elements of health and strength, to drive out disease. That is you pray for such elements and they come to you. Strength or vigor is an element of spirit or more refined matter. The more often is your will exercised in praying for it, the quicker will it come. This is the secret for the perpetual maintenance and increase of vigor or any other desired quality.

As you are ruled more and more by the attraction of aspiration, the desire to be more and more of a God or Goddess, the determination to conquer all the evil within you, which is the only way to conquer any and all evil outside of you, your form will in accordance grow more upright, your eye will be more open and uplifted, your heart will be "lifted up," your cheeks will bloom with fresher color, your blood will fill more and more with a finer and powerful element, giving to your limbs strength, vigor, suppleness and elasticity of movement. You are then filling more and more with the Elixir of Life, which is no myth but a spiritual reality and possibility.

But the motive must be the natural heart-felt zealous wish to impart what you receive to others. You cannot call the fullness of this power to you if you intend living only for self. You may get it to a degree and accomplish much by it. Your demand if living only for self may bring to you houses, wealth and fame. But the demand based on the selfish motive will in the end bring only pain, disease and disappointment.

Whatever the mind is set upon, or whatever it keeps most in view, that it is bringing to it, and the continual thought or imagining must at last take form and shape in the world of seen and tangible things. I repeat this assertion often in these books and in various forms of expression because this fact is the cornerstone of your happiness or misery, permanent health and prosperity, or poverty. It needs to be kept as much as possible in mind. Our thought is the unseen magnet, ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible. As we realize this more and more clearly, we shall become more and more careful to keep our minds set in the right direction. We shall be more and more careful to think happiness and success instead of misery and failure. It is very wonderful that the happiness or misery of our lives should be based on what seems so simple a law and method. But so-called "simple" things in Nature on investigation generally turn out incomprehensible and ever deepening mysteries. What most concerns us is to know a cause or agency that will produce a given result. When we realize that we can and do think ourselves into what we are, as regards health, wealth and position, we realize also that we have found in ourselves "the pearl of great price," and we hasten to tell our neighbor that he may seek and find in himself this pearl and power also
Cultivation of the power of the spirit over the body that can prevent these ills. That power we first begin to cultivate and increase when we come to recognize and believe that mind or spirit is the power governing our bodies, and that whatever mind persistently images, thinks or imagines it makes.1928
I am 57 and diagnosed with cancer 7 yrs ago and I literally did not know anything about myself and when I received the most worst info anyone could receive I made a decision to change. I new that there was information that I wanted to know about myself and I was going to find out. I immersed myself into personal development and went into a transformation of a new me, and I new it had to start with thoughts, I had such a race mind I could'nt see any thoughts, they would'nt stay still long enough. This is a wonderful book, it is not to read, but to study, underline the important words, sentences, mark up the book.It is packed full of life changing information. I recommend this book to everybody.
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